The Boise, Idaho Planning and Zoning Commission is set to review a new subdivision and annexation proposal for a 110-acre property east of Boise, which could contain more than 400 new buildable home lots. The land, which is in Ada County adjacent to Boise, must be annexed in order for the subdivision to go through.
This subdivision, if… Continue reading
Should You Buy Or Build A Home?
By Jean Folger
A home is usually the single largest investment that a person makes. Most buyers end up spending a great deal of time and energy either searching for or designing “the perfect home” before signing any contracts. Location, price, market trends, property taxes, homeowners association fees and the condition of the property are factored into the house hunt.… Continue reading
New Study Shows Solar Energy Soon To Be Cheapest Option
February 26th, 2015 by Joshua S Hill
Solar power is set to become the cheapest power source in many parts of the world by 2025, according to a new study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems commissioned by Agora Energiewende.
The independent think-tank of 18 experts conclude that by 2025 the cost of producing power in… Continue reading